Monday, May 14, 2007

DAY 12 - December 19, 2006

We can't believe it's day 12 already and yet we are ready to head home today!!! Last night was another tough night for all of us. We are starting to wonder if Abby's foster mother/parents allowed her to sleep on top of them because when she wakes during the night she doesn't soothe herself back to sleep. Instead she cries and tries to move on top of one of us (usually Sara) to then go back to sleep. Of course, since we aren't used to it, after 45 minutes or so we need to move which wakes her up and begins the cycle all over again. This morning it went from 4:00am until about 6 and the alarm went off a 6:30. It started out a long day! Today included a tour of Guangzhou city. We went to 3 places this morning: The oldest Buddhist Temple in the city (over 1,000 years old), the Old Chen House (now a museum for local arts and crafts) and the Provincial Arts and Crafts shop (SHOPPING FOR THE GOOD STUFF!). The temple was bustling and very interesting to observe the local people. Sara took Abby into a ceremony to bless all of the babies, which was very moving. We don't know if it was the spiritual nature of the ceremony but all of the babies were quite peaceful during the 5-10 minute ceremony and Abby was very interested in the monk who preformed the ceremony that blessed the babies with health, wealth, long life, good fortune and a peaceful heart. Then to the Chen House that was the temple and academy for anyone bearing the name of Chen (the 2nd most popular name in China). It now displays the arts and crafts associated with Guangzhou: Ivory carvings, Jade Carvings, Embroidery, and Porcelain. We were most impressed by the carvings - the intricacy and detail was truly mind blowing. Some of the ivory carvings went so far as to carve lace patterns in the dresses of figures only about 4 inches tall - our photos could never do it justice. The building alone had wood carvings throughout. Lastly it was to the Arts and Crafts shop where Sara finally bought the jade pendant she's been wanting (and one for Abby for a later birthday). We also picked up some gifts of silk items, family chops (signature blocks with ink), and a few hand-tied knots (good luck and long life bringers). In the front of the store was some Snake Schnapps - an alcoholic beverage that had been made with a real snake in it. The bottle had a yellowish liquid that still included that once live snake. So who do you think took a sample of the Snake Schnapps?! Yep, it was one else is that CRAZY! The group has a good laugh (or gag) over what David will try every day. After we got back we had our first lunch at McDonald's and it is exactly the same as it is in the states. Mind you, we won't eat it back home, but here it tastes like a little bit of heaven. Tonight we tried to finish up our shopping as we're running out of time. At dinner we met a family from the same small town that some of Sara's relatives live in, Forest City North Carolina. The Jones family (picture below), who just adopted Chloe (who has the same birthday as Abby!), even lived next door to one of Sara's cousins and goes to church with the other! It just goes to show what a small world it is when you can find this connection halfway around the world. *Note to the Jones family if they read this -- In our infinite organization we now cannot find your info you gave us. Please e-mail us your info again as soon as you get a chance. Sorry for the inconvenience, and it was really great meeting you tonight.

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