Monday, May 14, 2007

DAY 8 - December 15, 2006

Our last full day in Nanchang! We have to cut this entry short as we are packing up what feels like our entire lives to get on our first plane ride as a family of 3 tomorrow. Thank goodness it's only about an hour and a half trip. Today our group went to the registration office to receive all of the babies' passports. It's so exciting having this small but mighty booklet in our hands. Now we can bring Abby into the United States! Then our guides took us to a porcelain factory to shop. Jiangxi is known for 3 things: rice, spicy girls and porcelain. All of the items were hand-painted and absolutely gorgeous and the prices for such artistry were fantastic. But we had to be reasonable with our purchases knowing it all had to come back home in our carry-on luggage. The tiny tea set we bought for Abby (at a much later age) is simply beautiful. Then it was "home" to begin packing and Sara had her final grades to record and e-mail back to UCCS so her students would actually receive a grade from her this semester. Now, not to brag but...we've packed so well that we still have extra room in our luggage even with 60 some odd diapers and new baby clothes added to the mix not to mention that David is a total packing pro . Our group all met for a last Nanchang dinner in the hotel and once again we sat at the "spicy" table. But tonight it was not nearly as spicy as we would have liked, but again, who is complaining about a 10 course meal with good friends and entertaining babies. And MAN, did our girl eat tonight! She was an eating machine, just like her daddy! Abby also decided to show off her mobility and was tearing around the lobby and restaurant like an old pro. Our group was very impressed and Abby seemed to love the attention (sound like anyone you might know?!). We have some great video of her and everyone's reaction to her. After dinner it was out for one last walk in Nanchang with our friends the Powells from California. Although the pollution is terrible here it was nice to get out of the room and walk in the brisk night air and just chat with friends (not to mention the adrenalin rush of dodging cars on the sidewalk...see photo below). On the street David bought a new carry-on for our Porcelain buys and even used his Chinese to make the deal. So were back in the room now, Abby is out for the night and we have our big bags pretty much packed to go. David arranged our porcelain in the new carry-on, surrounded by diapers to cushion the precious cargo.

Again, we want to thank everyone who is e-mailing us. Reading them brings tears to our eyes and touches our keep them coming. Next time we write it will be from the famous White Swan in Guangzhou. Let the shopping begin!

P.S. To please Emma, David's biggest fan (well, 2nd to Sara) we're including a great photo of him with Abby at breakfast this morning.

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